~ two

~ and when the you're done fooling around ~
(auto-directed cut)

The Killer walks into the bank and past the security guard, smiles and points. "Robbin' you."

A head and a laugh as the Killer walks for the teller, and pulls a large bag from the backpack with a dollar sign on it, throws it over the firewall to the teller (Cassandra).

Killer - "It's traditional."
The two shoulder mount guns pop from the Killer's pack, one with a picture painted of an angel, the other a devil, each locking it's own target among the security, another gun in each of the Killer's hand.
The door guard at the Killer's back now to moves slowly for his pistol to test the angel shoulder gun, it moves side to side to infer 'no', while the devil gun turns for the guard and nods 'yes'.
Learner - To the librarian at the desk, "Where are the comic books ?"

The librarian shakes head with furrowed brow in absolute and obvious judgement concerning taste in literature and points to the card catalogue files with a deep and menacing laugh ...
Explorer - To the operator, "You'd have been more useful with the Dewey decimals."  Turns to a bird and flies away.
Learner - In the library digging through the card strewn everywhere, "But what does it all mean ..."
The readers stare rudely ...
Operator - "What a very rude bird I just saw ... "  Note the linguistic assimilation.  Pulls a one shot grenade launcher from the satchel and loads.  Snaps shut.

Learner - Eye-roll back at the rude readers and tosses a grenade over the shoulder. "Flee screaming."
The Killer fires all the guns in the air until they do from the bank.
The operator blows the courthouse front door, alerting the guards from within.  Another pop for the first stupid row.  Tears off the clothes over the suit, helmet returning over in a radio cackle. 

Another grenade popped through sending, out more bodies.
The Learner in the library looks side to side ... silence.  Glances over the edge of the grenade's hole, a squad points guns up.  Learner pulls back.

... silence ...
Eyes side to side ... drops another grenade through the hole.
The Killer's guns snap to a teller (Daphne) ~

Killer - "That little red button you're thinking about right now, that dirty little secret you've got stashed right under your desk ?  You should definitely push it now.  Very aggressively."
The angel gun nods, the devil nods harder.
Hesitation ... the alarm button pushed.

Killer - To Daphne, "It's okay.  You can go."
Daphne - "I think I'd rather stay."
The Explorer lands in a spin across the courthouse rooftop flesh as the guards are distracted peering over to the explosions, slicing cloak's edges through necks and lopping their heads across the line.

Killer - "Trying to start a revolution ?"

Daphne - "Bored."

Killer - "Hm."
Cassandra - "You are so Weird."
Daphne - "But we're immortal !"

Cassandra - "My god every time."  Sighs to the Killer, "It's true.  And we were just talking about how having jobs may be a literal Hell.  Like actual.  So can we just like ... 'mercenary' with you for a while ?"  
Daphne - "Yeah we wanna live in the woods now."
They dig in their purses for their guns, pulling excellent pistols (from The Special Not a Valentine) and beginning the checks.
Outside the bank the police form line.

Megaphone cop - "Come out ... with your hands ... up ... and we will shoot you."

~ The Killer's Way ~
('Peeps' by Public Enemy)

Pretty simple.  Kill everything while it just keeps coming, until the arrival of the others behind them and the pick-up to sweep them away.  
Daphne and Cassandra are indeed immortal, though clothing is not.  Infinite ammo and purse grenades.

For around the length of the song, to be edited according to how long the player can reasonably hold out against literally everything.

At that point, the Learner and Explorer pop from the manhole and courthouse door respectively, firing on the line from behind.
There the song flips to 'Pleasures of the Flesh' (see final cut) while the Dragon descends in the very far distance, without most police notice.

~ The Learner's Way ~
('Dueling Banjos' by Roy Clark and Buck William)

As the Learner drops into the empty tunnel, silence but for a distant alert.
Death - On the comm, "Don't forget what you learned in Midwich."

Learner - Bitter ... "I learned nothing in Midwich."

Death - "See those power cables ?  Some things work differently here, with such a large electrical grid to play with.  Have fun storming the castle."
Death - "That was a reference and a pun."
Learner - "O my god just shut up."  Comm out with Death's evil laughter ...

Two guards playing poker on a tunnel map ~

1 - "Why does everyone else get to go to the front ?  I really think I could personally turn the tide."

2 - "Ha !  You talkin'.  They say we still need to guard stuff !  Because we're dumb guards."

1 - "Yeah ... I suppose you're right ..."

2 - "I know I ... hey you hear that ?"

From down the hall a distant flickering blue light, a building destruction and rumble, a roar "Un-lim-i-ted- !!! POWER !!!" 

Distant screams before the lights go out in silence ... a flash of blue with evil laughter amid more screams into silence.


1 - "No."
The Learner's discovered electrical abilities have far greater effect in a heavily gridded area, in these tunnels better than anywhere else.  
Lined all the way through with heavy cables to tear out and use in thrust forward (locks on the same way as with the Gecko-Gun), leaping into a torn cable or outlet and out another make the Learner is nearly unstoppable. but it is very loud.  
Unprepared for by the enemy, ultimate power is enjoyed while knocking out the local power grid, done intrinsically.
The Learner's 'Rose Colored Glasses' make the bodies pop into coins on their death to the music when killed by magics, making it possible to pick whatever outfit components and gear the player doesn't already possess, plus cash and ammo.

Its all about the speed.
Taking out the grids ahead and waiting too long will cause them to fill where there is no grid to blow.  While destruction of the grid pulls the learner forth at greater and greater speed, a high powered magnetism but when momentum is lost, it's lost.

Night vision works poorly with the sparks, stuck in the dark with a gun, shooter world.

The military has a limited count, so working your way through here will diminish their numbers, forcing reinforcement from somewhere else, depending on if the enemy AI/chess opponent bothers.

If the the enemy AI spots a lot of extreme activity as a result of their usage, it may patrol heavier or not, may increase patrol on exits, or shut down nearby business by making it an operating base.  
Depends on what the opponent AI chooses.

The underground tunnels are practically bonus level for the Learner, everything's lined with cables, unlimited power, things flee screaming, Learner laughing gleefully mad.

Exiting the nearby manhole is triggered by picking up the map the guards were playing poker on, out behind the line firing on the Killer.  The Explorer exits the courthouse in the near distance, triangulating with the Killer and surrounding the police.
In the streets the electrical powers tear up underground cables, and can be used to pull the Learner from one place to the next, including up the building sides, ripping out the walls from the wires within.

It's all very distracting, but hasn't reached 'full charge' yet.

In the far distance the Dragon warplane descends burning (again) for the landing on main street, cutting through and crushing the remaining patrol between them, skidding away into the distance ...


The air pursuit follows.  Catch up and board, same ending as the Killer.

~ The Explorer's Way ~

('Discordia' by Crash Worship)

As the lights flicker then out in sparks (see Learner), the courthouse flickers in darkness to its historical version.  Protestants putting witches on trial in cages to be sprung.  See the Goddess section of The Book of Names, for names.

With the lights out in the capitol it's pretty much a horror level with the Explorer the monster.  Taking heads with cloak's edge before becoming bird to avoid their fire, human again in a swirling carnage through the halls.  They flee screaming. 

Can pick up guns but drops them on becoming bird.

Top to bottom of the building, a distraction while the Operator sets the charges working ground floor up, cloaking between.  Present but unseen, possibly bumped into but will duck or block accidental slices.

The best way to play this character I think would be to examine a room unseen, imagining the courtroom with active ghost trial accusing the witch.  Plotting the targets before striking.

Though ghost they do represent modern guards, and any left standing will be problematic.  Those gathered for the trial are in fact soldiers taking order from a colonel at the podium, seen only in flickers of lights flashing on and off.
While in the dark the accused stares at the Explorer, muskets in the dark do the damage of heavy fire in the light.  As such through the hallways and through the front door, exiting into modern behind the line firing on the Killer.

At around the halfway point, second floor courtroom, the Explorer passes the Operator making a kill from one shadow to the next, appearing as Giovanni de Ventura (the historical plague doctor).
From there on bodies on the floor ahead, reinforcements investigating why until the front door.  The Learner exits the manhole cover in the near distance upon exit, triangulating the line firing one the Killer with but behind.
They're both extremely distracting as is the building collapse, transitioning between bird and kill through it is nearly a free for all.

The Dragon descends the main street in the distance for pickup, holding the line.  Also don't let it it hit you.  Chase after its overshot under reinforcement fire, board and escape, see above.