Deathrace 2000

"In 1962 the October Crisis exploded.  And then it all fell apart.  The third world war was won not by any one nation or land, but a faction.  And they took it all.

"By 1984 their control was complete, and any populace anyone could hear, celebrated.

"It is the year 2000.  And the president of the world, really likes cars."

"They call me Frankenstein.  Welcome.  To

~ Deathrace 2000 ~

"So glad you could make it."  He drives off in his horror ride, mask covering his hideousness but for the scars scrawled from a once slit throat, arm torn off and replaced badly, his chest carved from buying and selling across organ markets.

The cars all built for fear and destruction show the characters clipping through the credits, this is the level that unlocks vehicular construction and all related mini-games, online and off.

~ Shots of Clyde by the press and fanfare at a race, gunfire exchanged between the navigators of two cars while while drivers drive intent.  A third from behind spins one into the other, flinging a passenger, frozen in the air.

First in comparison to similar games, Crossout is very much like Mad Max where everything's junk and set in a similar wasteland, and Twisted Metal was an arena based idea after the game 'Carmageddon', which was based on this public domain beauty of a film.

~ The passenger splatters, a winner holds up the prize, his car like a snake made to weave and drift, to slide into its turns.  Shakes Clyde's hand for a grinning shot with the president.

Which means nobody gets to complain, looking at you who sniped the song off Explorer's Tale.  This is the progenitor of them all

~ Frankenstein grinds his tires on the way out, Clyde watching suspiciously, then back to the smiles and waves.

Death's Munsters looking contraption of a car flies high over the wall ~
~ The Only Game You've Ever Played ~
~ and lands into the streets, Death driving the companions.  All bopping side to side while they navigate the urban chaos of war as it melds into celebrations as though it were the one thing the world agreed upon.
Occasionally arguing and slap-fighting, switching seats between cuts to basic instructions on building cars, exemplifying the one they're in.  How one arms their companion is everything.

~ as noted by the racing convertible driving by and blowing the cop away with the navigator's bazooka, fist in the air with a "! Woo !" as they speed swerving away.

As pursued by police and militaria, at times zoomed in to show their parts and construction as well, steal it and Nails will chop it for the parts or sell them for money.

At the end Death throws them out of the car in front of his shop and drives away flying the bird.  Any in game car would ideally apply.

Nails - Upon approach, "It's simple.  You steal fucking cars, I build you fucking cars.  Now go steal a fucking car."

Frankenstein - As he drives in his convertible looking very masked and stoic, "Simple indeed ... but with my ... my navigator gone ... "  He looks to the empty seat, then across the cheering crowd's faces as he drives ...

Elbow on the wheel he loads a pistol and places it in his lap before gone.  Now go steal a fucking car. 

PS ~ You don't have to win anything, but just to play it through, Frankenstein's brooding cutscenes are completely irrelevant to what actually happens. 

Note these regions where the races and matches take place would not change from playthrough to playthrough, to suit the needs of a universal server which bleeds between personal main game and shared side-games.


After the car has (finally) been stolen (lazy ass) while the player waits for their car to be fitted and painted by their basic options ~

Frankenstein pulls into the garage, the other cars lined with their drivers and navigators nearby with their crews and equipment.  He pulls into his slot, his equipment for working alone but someone standing there.

Frankenstein - "Who the hell are you ?"

Annie - "Your new co-pilot."

Frankenstein - "No you're not."

Annie - "Yes I am.  Nails says you need a new co-pilot or he's pulling your entrance fee."

Frankenstein - Slams his fist to the hood with a dent, "God Damn it, he knows what this means to me !"

The others look on with curiosity, he scowls back and they look away but one seeming to enjoy it, smiling away and literally eating his fucking popcorn.

Annie - "He knows what it means to him."


Frankenstein - "So who the hell are you ?"

Annie - "Annie Paine."

Frankenstein - "Know how to shoot ?"

Annie - "I come from a long line."

Frankenstein - "Read a map ?" 

She gives him a look.

Frankenstein - "What do you weight ?"

Annie - "Fifteen gallons and thanks for asking."

Frankenstein - "That's fifteen I can't carry.  How many more stops for fuel does that make ?"

Annie - "Depends how you drive."

Frankenstein - "I drive straight."

Annie - "Six with enough left for you to buy me a drink when we win.  That's just one more.  Wanna see my gun collection ?"

Frankenstein - Suspicious growling ...

~ Nails - Voiced over, "Car's ready."

As the real life players assemble.

Newshuman - As announcer to the crowd, "Welcome one and all, to the first demonstration match of ... ! Death ! Race ! Two ! THOUSAND !

The mad crowd.

Newshuman - "And here, is the winner, of Deathrace '99, to sound the first shot.  You all know him.  We all love him."  She looks him over, "And he loves you.  ! Y ! 2 ! K ... !"

Y2K - Takes the pistol and the mic, "Thank you, thank you very much.  I just want to say, I'm proud to be here, proud to be winner, proud of my mama, my papa my brothers and my sisters, my cousins, my crew my co-pilot, how ya doin honey ?"

He winks over there ...

Y2K - "Proud to be allowed to fire the first shot to symbolize the birth of our dear world order, and which begins this next year's race.  Proud of our president and proud of our flag.  But fuck that guy."

He shoots one of the fictional drivers.  The crowd inhales, the headless driver's co-pilot turns slowly to see in horror ...

Newshuman - "Aaaaaanything Goes !"

The crowd goes wild, the race begins (after the song ends it would be a random cycle between the rest of the soundtrack of around sixty).


And regardless how the player does (though we'll assume not well ... ), as they drive ~

Annie - Fires to an explosion behind. "! Motherfucking BITCH Sauce !"  Sits back down and reloads.  Clears her throat and looks at Frankenstein.


Frankenstein - "Alright."

She tosses a grenade while still staring ... an explosion, a flying body ~ "I'll get you next ti ... " Splat.

Frankenstein - A short laugh hidden.  "Okay."

Annie - "We need a fuel stop."

Frankenstein growls ...

Meanwhile, 'Thomasina' I did not name these people 'Paine' listens with her very patriotic cult to the race on the radio ... getting dark, the racers settling in for the night.

She leans back, one member puts a pipe in her mouth, the other one lights it.

Pipe - "Think she gets it done ?"

Light - "She'll get it done."

Thomasina - Smokes ... "She's soft.  But eager to prove herself."

Pipe - "She's never been on her own."

Light - "She's always been on her own."

Thomasina smokes in contemplation ...

Annie - In the motel room, "You loved her."

Frankenstein - Freezes, "Why."

Annie - "Only one thing can make a man so cold."

Frankenstein - "I wish that were true.  What do you want."

Annie - "To get it over with.  To see your face.  To kill everything and everyone in our way and fire the first shot."

Frankenstein - "And meet the president ?"

Annie - Slips off a shoulder, a laugh.  "Yeah.  And meet the president."  Turns and lets the rest drop before turning out the light.

Pan out from his mask on a post, the scarred face and slit throat seen to be part of it, shoulder and chest scars about it like centipede legs for all their fake stitches.

Into the racer garage as they all ready in the morn, news human with Y2K and a pile of cameras, his co-pilot in the background looking seriously pissed off while cursing and randomly breaking things off their car.

Newshuman - "And we are back.  For the second round.  Of Deathrace 2000.  So tell me 2K.  If I can call you 2K."  A happy laugh and a scream from the co-pilot,  "Why did you shoot that man ?"

2K - "Well.  Mainly because he was a bitch.  You know he's just one of these guys, who, win or lose, just has to be a bitch."

Newshuman - "Hmmm.  I've heard of these people."

2K - "Yes.  They are very real.  So I shot him."

Newshuman - "Huh !  Well !  Let the races begin !"

~ Player races to the lovely music.


While Annie watches Frankenstein sleep, far away Thomasina smokes, Pipe and Light look at each other with concern.  Annie wires the explosives into his belt, Thomasina's blank eyes expression raises as though watching in judgement as she works the fine wires.

A look to Frankenstein as he stirs ... a smile.  Looks back to her frozen hands.

Newshuman - "It is with great sadness that I report that Y2K, is dead."  As though summoning the strength, "But the race must go on.  We will continue to keep you informed with any details we or the police may come by. 

"Was it the jealous girlfriend ?  Or maybe the man-preying harlot.  You decide."

The race begins ...


And then the race ends.  That's what happens.  And The Crowd Goes Wild ! 

Frankenstein approaches the stage, president waiting while Annie watches from the car with detonator in hand while back home the cult leans toward the radio ...

Clyde smiles and extends his hand, Frankenstein reaches toward, Annie's thumb raises over the button.  And from Frankenstein's sleeve pops the gun, one in the chest, then one in the head. 

Clyde's ded.

Resolved to die himself, Frankenstein turns to Annie in the distance and smiles.

Annie - ... "Huh." 

Gears with resolve to help, then sees the stage floor drop out.  Nervously ... she tosses the detonator before the security start coming, arrested and testimonies.

She watches a man in the courtroom watching back while she talks to the judge, her home grown mother speaking for her, that man watching with a smile until it's all over.

Then in the motel they stayed in before, she uses the old key hopefully ~

Annie - Opens the door, a pause.  "No one knows what you look like.  You're free."

Frankenstein - "So long as I live, I can never be free.  And neither can you.  You should have pushed the button."

Annie - "I didn't."

Frankenstein - "I improvised."

He flops over a struggling man with eyes like his and a likewise jaw gagged and terrified as they smile down.

Annie - "He looks nothing like you."

Frankenstein - "Not yet."

They smile over him pulling knives to make the many scars, moving in.

(brief cut)

Credits while Thomasina twirls dancing between Pipe and Light then black.

Credits continue as the sub-menu options open up for all the related game modes with a brief visual run-through, last view on Bonnie's face with an engine sound.