Money for Gas

Gabrielle - "Yes ... the director ... I'm surprised you'd even care, good eye.  It's true.  People tend to understand their own lives better when told back to them like a story."

The view along the border, the many varied outposts and possibilities for entrance, guards in their designated patrols and stopping to chat.

Gabrielle - "That's why it works.  How is only technical.  It helps them to see the point, but it also helps them to forget what's not to be remembered."

Along to the river which most closely holds their border, the players underwater, now to choose where to exit to the surface to cross.

Gabrielle - "Everyone's the hero in their own story.  Especially you."

Night's darkness as they step from the water in wet suits and breathers looking for a good line to break through into the city.  In control of whichever character chosen and able to swap between including the crow who can fly over for spotting.

There are no un-patrolled regions, so the difficulty of any crossing will depend on the varieties of war and where troops are pulled to cover.  These parameters can theoretically be manipulated.
One could choose to use active battle as a cover or use a thinned area of the line, but they must kill everyone who sees them, before they can call in the sighting.  Weapons have suppressors.

~ auto-director notes ~
The compiled scene spliced through with a classic action lineup walking in slow motion, but dressed as civilian dorks down the sidewalk.
Edits from camera points at the passing corners to critical hits, assassinations.  Particular focus on the crow flyovers as a refrain if relevant.  If a quiet entry, the focus on the nearby guards as the team passes near and undiscovered.
When through, they strip their swim gear to said dumbest civilian wear ever.  Last shot realizes they'd been walking backwards in the lineup shots as they round the corner and away.
~ exploring the city til dawn ~
('Skids' by Pain Teens)
The underworld is experiencing a golden age, with the patrols distracted by war and regiment, while everyone else flocks to forget about it.  An understanding is forged between overworld and under.  That evil is intrinsic in the world and will always occur, as will good.
A quiet acceptance made both ways, so long as each resolves its own in matters affecting the other.  Law is law and plays as it does while corruption sweeps the hand in maintenance of this quiet peace.
Godfathers feed children forgotten by war, which makes loyalty unquestionable, the history of the term 'Godfather' being literal.  So many orphans in a period when so few would be willing to adopt.
And so to the streets.

Creative punks paint the streetlights in deep hues, dimming to burgundy shadows and forest highlights, offset blues and purple bringing an exaggerated coloration to all.  
The streets were once filled with light in a blinding effort to decorate the city's underground.  As though being seen would shame them into 'being good'.
So they paint them to make their world beautiful instead, shooting out the ones that bleach the picture painted.  Perhaps the player buys colored bulbs to decorate favorite places, mark trails, or just shoot them out for the dark.
When arriving the mission area, observations ~
This courthouse is of interest because  the military appears to be assembling a forward operating base.  Ground level with a wide main street to suffice for an airstrip, the overseeing general ranked for the intel sought.

Neighborhood commandeered, the population's one in ten military here, watching guards where the teams aren't building and converting for a fall-back front.  They try to ingratiate themselves with the people, doing as they do.  
Once established the populace would be entirely soldier, civilians only workers maintaining.  Where there's construction, the military's thick.  A tone annoyed where recently graffitied showing their frustration at this plan of integration, the simpler to take it.  
They glare at the players passing through.
One turns to face watching with challenge, hand on the rifle.  The other scrubs away at the paint, sees the players and stands, a hand on the pistol arrogantly more than threatening.  They do nothing.

One could go ballistic right here and take on the entire literal army and gold star on you, you've won the war.  One could however thin numbers in strategic areas while the main army advances.

The war-map is ongoing and constantly in flux, battles by pure chance and odds, essentially the game playing chess with itself while the player tries to bonus one side.