Captured Violets

~ upon beating the game ~
Outside the church converted nightclub, 'The Canon Club' of old Midwich, clock tower high on the side holding up the steeple, they wait in line watching the brawls in the street.  City on distant fire, the sirens and gunshot echoes the screams in the night.

Into the nightclub where the band plays their song, the crowd dancing where they're not fucking lines on the table and filled with smoke.  Either before cigarettes were banned inside or no one cares, this place is timeless.

A denizen dragged through the crowd, black bag on his head, stumbling with the merciless pull of two bouncers, an occasional push when he tries to right himself.  Down a brief hall with rooms on the side, display windows of excess and ceremony, burning pyres to cheers hard only after the screams die down.

They throw him into the elevator at the end, and kick him once for trying to get up.  The pulled up at the opening door before dragged again.

Into the high office, arrow slits of the old stain glassed over rounding the room to the inverted clock face behind the desk, a woman sitting, a man standing aside peering the opened stain window at nine o'clock.

Ereshkigal - From behind the desk to the bouncers as they throw down their charge, "Bag."  

They tear it off, Nergal at the window glances with a laugh, then back out the window peering with curiosities in the streets.  The man kneeling head sullen bowed, clearly beaten in every way.

Eresh - "So.  You've stolen from us."

The man says no words in his hard breath, a brief attempt to shake his head before it's punched hard again.  Then again.

Bouncer - "Answers follow questions."  Pulls his head back by the hair, a knife to the throat.

Eresh - "You did.  Yes you did.  So what have you got to pay pipers with ?"


A light slice with the knife up the face trailing a bleed.

The other bouncer - Smiles, "Questions precede answers."

Man - Terrified, "Everything I have.  Anything.  I only wanted to leave this place they said it was a way out !   Banish me, please.  Take it all.  Take everything.  My money.  My wife my ..." a tear ... "my children you can have it all.  Just please.  Please let me go ..."


Eresh - Smiles, "We already have those things.  Sold with your soul, they're just downstairs.  So what else ya got."

Man - Calms even more deeply defeated ... "I ... I don't ... "

She glances to the bouncer, he slits the throat.  The other grab the cut with the black bag from his head to catch the blood as they heave him for the window to toss.  Into the street while the crowd looks up ...

Nergal looks back down as they start to devour, glancing back up at him with thankful praise pleading in their eyes before he closes the window.

~ Captured Violets ~


The Killer steps into the street, one shoulder gun painted the angel the other the devil, a pistol in each hand as they wind up to fire, the packed crowd tearing at the thief.  Those on the edge spot the approach with a hissing growl, the crow circling overhead for eyes.

While inside the mob the tearing of flesh becomes orgiastic, tearing at each other and off their clothes like a flame of wild flesh becoming hottest at it's peak.  While the thieving tinder beneath does not die, only suffers the effects of his wounds and drainage now lost blank eyed to shock.
The Killer open fires (it's playable).

Dragging down the nearby city walls more do come, more and more still while the killer unloads.  And they never do die.  Dragging by hands where limbs are gone, hands dragging arms down to twitching fingers in a pile, they never do stop or die.
Even as the crow lands to pluck the eye.

When cleared the Killer looks at the thief, chest ripped open and strewn, an arm over there and the thief looks up staring in nothing but a powerless rage as the crow tears the eye, struggling his useless shoulder dragging a limb to stop it.
Thief - "Go to Hell."

The Killer smiles and looks up, Nergal looking down, the Killer points to him and nods with a menace.  Nergal closes the shutter.  The ones crawling the building-sides and in and out through the windows clear from where the Killer looks now along the path.  
Passing an open alleyway, the Learner leaning against the wall with a smoke.

Killer - "You ready ?"

Learner - Smiles, "Let's go."

Their passion into the dawn in that dirty motel room, while beneath the club the tunnels connect the nearby asylum halls.   Eresh walks the long filthy cages, screams and grasping as she smiles back kindly to their pained curses.  
Nergal looks over his shoulder with a smile at her passing as he dissects a still living subject, assisted by the asylum doctor in goggles and thick gloves.

~ one decade later ~

Into the asylum's furthest cell, a young woman kept in aged prison garb huddles in the corner away from her as she enters.

Eresh - Sits in the only chair, no bed, no comforts, and places a long bullwhip in her lap.  "Hello Eloise.  Do you know what today is ?"  She smiles.

Eloise stares at the whip shaking.

Eresh - "Oh no ... no honey no ... it's okay.  It's all over now.  It's a special day.  It's your birthday."

Staring ferally into her eyes as she gets up from her chair with a loving smile before a pause, a nearly respectful nod.  She places the whip in the chair smiles back one more time.

Eresh - "I want you to show them, everything you showed me.  I want you to show them all."

Staring ... then past the chair seen a cat with a bell on it's bow collar staring back from the doorway.  It turns with a ring from the bell, and Eloise rises.  She takes the whip.  

Out and down the hall slowly, a door to the next at the end, the cat waiting lit by the lights sparking from a door to the side.  Accustomed to the screams and reaching, eyes down clutching the whip, the cat as with a ring of the bell it enters a door to the side.

Out and down the hall slowly, a door to the next at the end, the cat waiting lit by the lights sparking from a door to the side.  Accustomed to the screams and reaching, eyes down clutching the whip, the cat as with a ring of the bell it enters a door to the side.

She turns to see the dissected man alone, staring back with empty eyes still blinking.  She continues on until the door off the side, entering, the doctor awaiting with a smile, prepared for laser surgery, new clothes on the table.

Eloise clutches the whip painfully as the scars from the lashes are slowly removed.  Rises when done and blankly breaks the doctor's neck, pulling the goggles as he falls, flashing in glitching memory to dancing at the club.

She dresses in the black clothing, slowly the top, already lined with aloe bandage for her back.  Four silenced pistols, and clips to line the belt with the knife.  Two pistols at the back and two for the pockets of the coat she puts on.

Hooded and heavy, nearly as a cloak a loud door buzz as the next hallway opens, a ring of the cat's bell as it continues on.  Eloise follows, another harsh buzzer as the cells all open.  It's playable.

She kills her way through, using the whip to trip before the finish, one after the other dancing with her memories on stage.  The buzzer sounds as the door opens behind and the rest of the cellar inmates come rushing through until all ammo spent, the last with the knife.  

The buzzer sound (song over).  

The door open at the end of the hall, the nearly blinding light to the outdoors.  The cat turns with the collar-bell sound, lost in the blur.  She gathers dropped magazines and wraps the whip as a belt to the coat, then follows.

~ through the closing credits as she walks after the cat ~

Through the streets, windows filled with their glories and horrors inside, spliced with old school credits for the voice actor's a shot of their character by the name.  And the creatures on the wall seem to regard her as one of them.