Operation : Jailbreak

Gabrielle flashes through the floor at the top of the sky-box (unseen from the bottom, as such textures go).  She tears off her still smoking armor (Blackout), thrown to the floor, she draws her sword to check.

A pillared room before an empty throne, a warp-gate set behind in a pulsating circle, webbed pathways seen spun off, dependent on the angle from which it's viewed.

Pale and golden surroundings, pillars lining the path along the long carpet set to approach The Throne.  Before it turn six tall diagrams, short pillars of networked light, combined they make a universal map by extrapolation.

A warp-gate behind set in a pulsating circle. 

Webbed pathways seen spun off from it's back into the completed map the pillars infer while which paths are seen are dependent on the angle from which it's viewed.  As a black hole without the gravity, where the angle of entry determines the nature of exit. 

If you understand the nature of holographic theory, this applies.

Lucifer steps from behind the pillar as the armor evaporates away behind her sheathing.  As it was before the fall, Samael his title.  Armored for war, as the leader of the main armies before said duty passed to Michael, after.

Lucifer - "Do you even know what you're doing anymore herald ?"

Gabrielle - "You always it play so safe Lucifer.  Just because it gets hard, doesn't make it wrong."  Turning to, "It makes it alive."  Walking past to a clear spot on the floor, "Of course I know what I'm doing."

Lucifer - "So do I."

Gabrielle - "Heard about your lady friend.  Such a lovely little alliteration."  She pulls an eye-glass, extends and peers downward through the floor.  "I'm sure it'll bake well with the cake."


She smiles as he departs.  Searching, zooming and focusing with the glass, she finds the the hospital tent, Dragon's crew over the Learner.

Learner - "No I mean I'm seriously going to kill her."

Killer - "How.  What the fuck is it that she does ?  Why is she suddenly our enemy !?"

Learner - "Don't care.  My fist and her face ... "  Meditatively, "shall become one."

Death - "Agreed all around.  But it means we need to find a way."

Operator - "Her wold breathes every break in yours."

~ They turn drawing on the Operator at the tent's flap.

Operator - Mask dissolves to the carrion skull, "Try as you will I may not die."

Death - "We also draw and quarter."

Killer - "Sometimes we even drop them in unknown chemicals to see what crawls out."

Learner - "For science.

Explorer - "I'm carbolic on this one."


Operator - "Done ?"

Explorer - "Undecided."

Death - "Did you kill them all ?"

Operator - Smiles with what's left of it, "I did not."

Killer - "Where did you go."

Operator - "To get paid.  Paid I was not.  Everything dead."

Death - "And the intel ?"

Operator - "Archaeology."

The missing intel hits the desk, photos spilling of the prologue's temples (see Explorer's Tale).

~ Back to Gabrielle watching with a smile before closing the scope, she looks at the throne.  A slow walk to with Lucifer watching from behind the pillars as Lilith approaches him, Gabrielle sits.

The pillars turn, each projecting to the center, forming a virtual image of grid-work torus.  Through and search 'til Midwich, mapped with residents plotted, armies gathered.  

Lilith watches from the side while kissing Lucifer, whispers in his ear while noting the map before a tongue's lick.  Another whisper.  As she turns away, view through the map and into Death's conquest screen to command the next push.

... player choosing the military's move ...

Back out from the map to Gabrielle as she rises from the throne, and to the gate behind it.  Hand across its surface as she moves it through the permutations of webbed paths.  Through the sprawling networks, nodes seen lit on the turning pillars behind her as passed, networks etched in the torus.  

Target location, she palm-taps the surface hard.

The location seen as well lit on the torus map behind her, she turns to Lucifer with a smile and walks through leaving hard glass at the gate.  The maps stop turning, the light fades as all shuts down.

The Dragon docked at night on the sculptured city built on Founder's Mountain. Inside around the table ~

Operator - "In seven ruins.  Intel.  Cities built atop the old.  Overlooking the valley.  In the lava-fields.  Beneath us now.  But one."

Mechanic - "I know these places.  Conspiracies about the void.  Tears in the world, leading into empty places.  It's the crazy talk."

Learner - "Old Midwich was an island, and it wasn't real."

Death - "And yet here we are atop this giant."

Killer - "Another old god like the Prometheus.  So what."

Explorer - "There's truth in these representations."

Mechanic - "I don't like what this means."

Death - "What does it mean ?"

Operator - "The ruins before.  Now is after.  Intel."


Daphne - Passing out plates of slop around the table, "I made my first slop.  It's really fucking good."

Cassandra - "Appreciate !"

Daphne - To the Operator, "Do you even eat food ?"

Operator - "I do eat food."

... fooood ...

Explorer - "This is really fucking good."

Daphne - Whispers in the ear, "It has eyeballs."

Cassandra - In the other ear, "Tell no one."

~ The Dragon flies over in the dawn (player's the autopilot while they babble over food, when destination reached, into the cockpit)

Operator - As the observe the temple, "The biggest."

~ A heavy patrol, deep state military, ground vehicles and airstrip.  Anti-aircraft tracks the Dragon as it circles, the commander calling in.  Waiting, then listening, his eyes go wide ...

Death - At control in the co-pilot's seat (Explorer in the pilot, hands off).  The plane takes a hit, the sky bursting with flak, "There we go."

Operator - "Why waiting ?" 

Death - Flips the switch to open the rear cargo ramp, "So we don't have to feel bad."  Runs for the opening ramp, jumping.

Killer - "I actually appreciate that."

Learner - Loading, "Mm-hm."

Death leads the team with all three companions.  Can swap to.

Very powerful gun, scythe can cut the vehicles, charges like a ghost, vulnerable only when striking.  Much like the Explorer without flight, does not take falling damage.  The distraction, preferably focused on the anti-air.

~ or ~

Player pilots the absolute destruction of a temple and everything protecting it, all thee guns manned (mechanic pilots while working the fore).  Can swap between gunneries, leaving the plane on autopilot and circling the temple to preferred targets.

Until it collapses through the literal hole in the game.  What would normally be a hole in the world glitch, this one big enough to take the Dragon through and will be exactly as though it a glitch.

They cling to Death with the following leap, cloak flailing nearly as wings over the plane's departure.

(auto-director notes ~ In the final mix, during the call and return refrain Daphne, Cassandra and the Mechanic piloting are giant heads sticking out of their cockpit and gunneries singing the return chorus side to side, normal in the rest of the scene ~ Air Force jokes ... )

A wince from the Explorer at the sound of the scythe penetrating the hull after the flop (and cursing) before Death re-enters the hatch with the rest.